In 2013 I was asked to curate a special project through Verge for the Crocker Art Museum. In collaboration with a group of Verge resident and local artists, volunteers, and interns we developed an installation for the Crocker's courtyard. The idea we developed took the form of a yurt, a nomadic dwelling intending to serve as a physical manifestation of the creativity that exists at Verge. In conjunction with the Yurt we wrote a manifesto to represent the 10 tenants essential to a successful art practice.
Yurt collaborators include -
Alex Adan
Richard Baumhofer
Aleksander Bohnak
Amanda Cook
Ilah Cookston
Nate Cordero
Heather Crocker
Roma Devanbu
Kyle Doka
Gioia Fonda
Ianna Frisby
Chelsea Greninger
Makoto Hawkins
Natalie Head
Emily Masterson
Linda Miller
Cherilyn Naughton
Andrew and Monica Patterson-Tutschka
Interval Press
Sebastian Quintero
Manuel Fernando Rios
Scott Soriano
Tricia Talle
Katie Thomas
Susanna Tu